It seems Maxim — which I forgot was a thing! — is still doing their Hot 100! If you want to waste some time, looking at their list of Hot #1s is quite a ride through the early aughts. (Whoever wrote that Wiki entry gently noted, “The winners of the Hot 100 are often a contested matter since individual tastes regarding attractiveness vary widely from person to person.” Very true!) Personally, my favorite was when Olivia Wilde won, and gave an interview where she pretended she was a salsa, something that I KNOW happened, because it made me think, “oh, Olivia Wilde is funny,” but which I cannot find on the internet anymore.

ANYWAY, of all the Olivias in the world, of which there are many, truly we are here not to discuss Wilde, but Culpo:

Olivia Culpo at Maxim Hot 100

And truly I cannot decide it this is cool, or if it looks like the winning effort in a bridal shower  Make A Wedding Gown From TP contest.

So please tell me how to feel!

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[Photos: Seth Browarnik/]