Hey there, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, I’m totally not going to see you — I can’t deal with 9/11 movies, because it’s too upsetting for me, even now. I read a book last year, in fact, that was advertised as a “sparkling comedy of manners!” that had a twist ending, of which I was unaware, and it wasn’t until I was like 100 pages in that I realized that I had no idea what year this book was set in, and it was like 200 pages in that I realized everything was happening in Manhattan during the summer of 2001 and I was really, really, really irritated that I had somehow bought a book that ended WITH SEPTEMBER 11TH when I was TOLD I was buying a book that was A SPARKLING COMEDY OF MANNERS. SPARKLING COMEDIES DON’T END IN TERRORISM AND DEATH. IT’S A RULE. Ahem. Anyway. I don’t want to see this movie, but I am grateful that it has been released at the point in the year when no one is leaving the house, because it means we get to talk about Sandy:

She is pretty, her hair is pretty, and I think she’s almost pulling this off, even though it is a SATIN PANTSUIT. Yes, I think the legs are a wee bit too long — like, an eighth of an inch — and SATIN PANTSUIT screams “That Year You Were Obsessed With Tom Ford For Gucci” to me, which makes me feel old, but… I don’t know. Girlfriend is kind of working it. Right?


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