If you could go back in time a dozen years, how would your younger self react if you climbed into the window of your bedroom and said, “self, you are never going to believe this but in 2022, Ashlee Simpson appears to be THRIVING and her mother-in-law is also Diana Ross now”? I feel like your younger self would be like, “WOW. I’m shocked she broke up with Pete Wentz. How’s Lindsay Lohan?” And you’d be like, “she went through some tough times and it’s really hard to say but she actually looks okay on Instagram right now?” And then you’d have to explain Instagram at length. And then your younger self would be like, “okay, well, how’s Britney?” and you’d be like “WELL, that one is a LONG story and the short answer is, uh, really mad at Jamie Lynn?” and I feel like your younger self would not be that surprised at that one. And then your younger self would probably be like, “so, how’s America doing?” and you’d be like, “I’m just going back out the window. Buy stock in Netflix!!!!!!!”
(Photo by Johnny Louis/Getty Images)