Go Fug Yourself

Royals Round-Up, May 22nd, 2015

Today’s Royals Round-Up brings you much goodness! We’ve got Harry in a suit and Harry in jeans and Harry kissing his grandmother and Harry stuck in a tree. We’ve got shoes both sublime and ridiculous on Letizia. And HATS. Maxima wore them.

We also have an update in which you might be interested: Heather and I are going to be at Chicago’s Printers Row Lit Fest on Saturday, June 6th! Here are all the details, and we would LOVE to meet you, if you’re around!

Additionally, we are BEYOND THRILLED that The Royal We was included on the New York Times’s summer reading list. This is a huge honor and a complete surprise. We are extremely, extremely excited, and we owe so much of the success of the book to Fug Nation. Thank you all, so very much, for being here.


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