Go Fug Yourself

Grammy Awards WTF: Nicki Minaj

You know, usually the Grammys make me feel young, because the Grammys themselves are usually SUPER old. Like, they were advertising it all over Los Angeles via a huge poster of Paul McCartney and while of course I love to dance around my living room to “She Loves You” as much as anyone else — and that is a whole lot, seriously — I don’t think Paul is exactly who you want to be plugging if you want The Kids Today to be watching your show. You use, like, Lady Gaga or whatever. But when Nicki Minaj turned up and then performed…whatever this was….I totally turned to Heather and said, “I AM OLD.” Because I could just not handle it. It was like someone decided to make a Broadway musical of The Exorcist, but with a sub-plot totally based on that Taylor Momsen song where she sleeps with a priest to have him intercede with God over a murder she committed and YES that is a real song and it’s secretly kind of catchy. Unlike this one. Sorry, Nicki — I would had gone with “Super Bass.”

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