OH WINONA. I want so much more for you than this! Even when you were having all your Troubles with the shop-lifting and the prescription drugs (sidenote: a friend of mine went to the same doctor as Winona for years, and when the news broke that said doc was writing Wino many many a prescription she didn’t need, said Friend was all, “WELL, there is a REASON we all call him Dr. Feelgood”), I still wanted good things for you! You are so snarky in Beetlejuice and so lovely in Little Women (hers is my FAVORITE Little Women, although Bale is SO dreamy as Laurie that I get even MORE ENRAGED WHEN HE ENDS UP WITH THAT BOOK BURNER AMY MARCH RAGE) and so very in Heathers. I want you to have a smashing wonderful comeback and to show up places looking amazing:
THIS is not how I imagined that trend beginning!
[Photo: Getty Images]