Go Fug Yourself

Fug or Fab: Ashley Greene

I’ll give Ashley this: It’s dramatic.

But as much as I kind of wanted to like it, in the end it’s what I imagine a Valentine’s day candy box would look like if a matador designed it. Plus I think it’s making her look hippy in a way that she (as you’ll see in the second photo) is not.  Clothes should only widen our eyes. Preferably with awe.

This one widened mine with a touch of confusion:

It’s crazy. It’s complicated. And yet… it might also be great on her. She’s making me want to look at her, and study the dress, and figure it out, and the more I do that the more my reaction morphs from “WHAT THE WHAT?” to “What-WHAT!” And then I expose myself as a totally unhip old crone who isn’t down with the lingo, but that’s beside the point, plus we already knew that.

Clear my head:

  • That thing is kind of fantastic. (51%, 4,017 Votes)
  • I was taken aback at first, but now I am kind of enthralled (30%, 2,379 Votes)
  • Noooooooooooooo (19%, 1,454 Votes)

Total Voters: 7,851

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And while we're here:

  • The red dress is amazeballs (16%, 992 Votes)
  • The red dress is crazeballs (32%, 2,003 Votes)
  • The red dress is mediocreballs (52%, 3,276 Votes)

Total Voters: 6,271

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[Photos: Getty]


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