Go Fug Yourself

Well Played, Madame Tussauds

It’s no secret that I’m not an admirer of the Tussauds work, in general — I mean, LOOK AT WHAT THEY DID TO ELI MANNING. Tell me they didn’t want to take THAT back after he went and won the Super Bowl. Maybe that’s WHY they won it. Either the universe was apologizing, or he was just fueled by rage.

So I was pleasantly shocked to see that they did not botch this one:

Fine, Wills looks a little wonkus, but it’s not terrible. Kate, though, is SPOT-ON. Seriously, if someone told you she’d donned that dress again to unveil a waxwork of William alone, you might believe them. And when you consider how other people have mangled their efforts at replicating her face or them as a unit, I have to give a pat on the back to the candlemonkeys. I imagine QEII’s helpful recommendation was something along the lines of, “We suggest you not err” (although I prefer Baldrick’s saucier “We’re not at home to Mr. Cock-Up”), and indeed, they did not. You will neither be barred from Her Majesty’s glorious land, nor beheaded and plonked on a spike on Tower Bridge. Congrats.

[Photo: WENN]

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