Go Fug Yourself

Unfug or Fab: Christina Hendricks

Well, look: Compared to what we usually complain about with this one, Christina’s dress certainly isn’t as bad as it could be. But it’s not better enough for me.

It’s a glorified nightie, basically. So nothing is oozing out, and it’s nipping in at her lovely waist and hips, but… I can’t articulate it. Something still just isn’t right. Maybe it’s that the overlay doesn’t need to be longer than the slip dress. Maybe it’s that the slip dress might actually just BE a slip. Maybe I don’t like how the cummerbund is nuzzling right up between her boobs so that they’re suddenly shaped like a giant sleep mask. I don’t know. My instinct is… I wish this were a strapless dress under a sheer overlay that stopped at the same place the actual skirt does — kind of like Middleton’s wedding gown, except less fancy and more appropriate for wear outside an Abbey — or even just a strapless dress with a sheer jackety-type thing that stopped at the waist and didn’t extend down the skirt. Know what I mean? I just… I think she tends toward EXTRA, in a way that steps all over her natural assets.

But I’m putting it up to a vote because it’s entirely possible that she is doing fine and I just can’t see it through my ARGGGGH-tinted glasses.

[Photo: Getty]

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