Go Fug Yourself

Pretty Well Played, Jessica Chastain

Can we examine again how fantastic her head is?

Great makeup — particularly the lip — and her hair looks amazing, and this whole thing is basically making me re-examine my life to see if I can turn into this without resorting to surgery.

In this close-up the dress is making her look a tad slumpy, but in the wide shot, I really like it:

Fabulous color, and the poncho-to is cut nicely — it gives the dress a funky shape while also showing off how tiny she is. If the shoes had been more imaginative, this would’ve been an unreserved WHEEEEEEEE because I am trying to save up my words for Sunday and beyond; then again, if she’d gotten creative with them, she might’ve swung and missed even more dramatically, because that’s what she does with her feet (remember the stripper heels she wore to the Globes?). So actually, I’ll take the nude blahmobiles right now and call this a win.

[Photo: Getty]

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