Go Fug Yourself

Oscars Well Played, Penelope Cruz?

I couldn’t bring myself to Fug or Fab this, because it didn’t seem to teeter on the edge of both — it’s a perfectly nice dress, but the question for me is, does it make the grade as a GREAT dress?

The color is wonderful, and she looks classy. But, and I realize it’s a bit soon to know this, I can’t decide if I will remember this dress. Because I remember this one (post-baby bad-assitude!), and I remember the HELL out of this one, and I’m not sure if this quite stacks up to those memories. Does that mean it’s bad? No. But the material is so-so, there’s some hinkitude around the bodicc, for me, and the way the skirt attaches to it seems sort of lackluster… like someone had a big idea for a glorious gown, then procrastinated on the Internet looking at old SportsCenter clips and realized there wasn’t enough time to execute it with full grandeur. So basically, any issues I have with this are totally Keith Olbermann’s fault. Yes.

How do you feel?

  • This is fabulous (38%, 3,759 Votes)
  • This is fine, but you're right, somehow it's not as good as it wants to be (or as it thinks it is) (51%, 5,104 Votes)
  • Actually I think it's fug, so there (11%, 1,148 Votes)

Total Voters: 10,015

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[Photo: Getty]

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