Go Fug Yourself

Oscars Fug Carpet: Emma Stone

Emma Stone should be an Amway salesperson. Because by the end of her charming segment with Ben Stiller, in which they presented the Visual Effects Oscar and she totally stole the show from just about everyone, even I was almost ready to buy what she was selling — I, who when she first hit the red carpet, groaned audibly and shouted, “EMMA, NO.” I who bemoaned that it was too similar to what Nicole Kidman wore in 2007, a dress I didn’t particularly itch to see again. I, who upon seeing it ran out onto Jessica’s balcony shaking my fist at the heavens and hurling Pringles into the night air while screaming, “BETRAYYYYYED.” (Note: No Pringles were harmed in the making of this post.)

But in the end, I still just don’t like it. Turns out Emma Stone’s personal magnetism can’t do everything. And that’s probably as it should be. No mortal should wield that kind of unchecked power.

[Photos: Getty]

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