Go Fug Yourself

Oscar Fug or Fab Carpet: Emma Roberts

Okay, okay, I know this looks a bit like a Salem Witch Trial defendant got glitter-bombed by an an angry Puritan on her way into the courtroom, but… I kind of like this. Am I insane? Have I caught Post-Oscar Brain Fog? I really hate when that happens. It’s so inconvenient and it makes driving a pain.

I do think, though, that I am correct to be ambivalent about what she wore to one of the pre-parties (and then umambivalent about how much I like something she wore to a different party). Come see.

What of the glitter caftan?

  • You said it: caftan. (21%, 1,711 Votes)
  • Shut up! I LOVE IT. (56%, 4,651 Votes)
  • Also, caftan doesn't have to be a dirty word. (11%, 905 Votes)
  • ... Yeah, though, it kind of does. (13%, 1,053 Votes)

Total Voters: 8,320

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