Go Fug Yourself

Met Ball Fug or Fab: Christina Ricci

I am distraught that none of our photo services had a shot of the back of this that we could use, because it was AMAZBALLS (AmazMetBalls?).  It was a Butt Bow so TREMENDOUS and MAJESTIC that someone should write a children’s book about it (Maurice Sendak, RIP) and call it The Amazing Adventures of Butt Bow: Butt Bow Goes to the Ball. (AHAH! Here is a shot of it.)

What do you think?

  • Fab! (46%, 4,485 Votes)
  • Fug. (18%, 1,741 Votes)
  • It's not good, and yet I love it. (36%, 3,546 Votes)

Total Voters: 9,774

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