Go Fug Yourself

Julia (JULIA???!?) Once Again Opts for Underboob and Abs

I did not know this until recently, but apparently Julia Fox said she keeps the eyebrows bleached in part because her ex HATES it and it triggers him, and also because she finds it keeps men at bay. That amuses me. I love the concept of REVENGE BLEACH.

Anyway, one of the beans came up to say hi while I was working on this piece. He stopped and cocked his head and said, “What? Why would she do that?” I said, “Honey, she just really loves bridges. They make her think.” He replied, “MOM HER PANTS AREN’T GONNA WORK.” It’s true. They really are not going to be useful pants for anything other than shuffling slowly down the street while your personal paparazzo clicks away. But then again, if that’s all she needs them for, then maybe they are fulfilling their entire life cycle of potential? Have we considered that perhaps Julia Fox gave MEANING to those pants for one glorious, if brief, moment in time? Those pants will be dining out on this moment forever. At Goodwill in a year, they’ll put “Glory Days” by Springsteen on the jukebox and be like, “Did I ever tell you about the time…” and some tube top is gonna be like, “WE KNOW, GOD, YOU DO THIS EVERY NIGHT.”

Speaking of things that are not ENTIRELY useful:

This coat makes a lousy bra.

[Photos: Rachpoot/Bauer-Griffin/GC Images]
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