Go Fug Yourself

I’m Running Out Of Ways To Say, “Here Is Bella Thorne.”

Bella is wrapping up Midnight Sun’s press run — well, I assume. It’s out, and it’s probably headed pretty soon to an airplane seatback entertainment system near you — and presumably ramping up for Coachella. She popped by Extra in something that actually kind of reflects this: actual grown-up adult shoes, a weird animal sweater that probably cost a lot of money, and then jeans that are falling apart and seem primed and ready for the dusty desert (if not already being pre-sullied). Although they are about 80 percent more leg fabric than she usually prefers at that event, so we’ll see. Usually only mesh garments need apply.

She also popped up in this:

I appreciate the need to be comfortable when you are finally almost finished talking about your movie, but a) Hollywood Montrose did the glasses better, and b) you remind me enough of Gossamer in this shot that I’m concerned this is about to happen to you:

She has also been giving quotes about how she and her boyfriend are working on a book together — Bella, you may or may not know, has written or “written” a YA trilogy about a girl named Autumn who looks a lot like Bella, and lost her father similarly, but also has some magical stuff happen to her. Anyway, first you should meet her man…

He KIND OF looks like he’s modeling his hair after what Aubrey O’Day would do to her dog back in the year she won Fug Madness. Anyway, please drink in their explanation for said book, per Page Six:

“It’s a kind of a journal book… just thoughts and moments and things.”  Her rapper beau Mod Sun elaborated: “Like, our whole thing is just being over literature being run by people that are old, you know what I’m saying? The young people need to want to read books again, and I don’t think that comes from people they can’t relate to.”

He says, “She dead-ass lives in the moment.”

She DEAD-ASS LIVES IN THE MOMENT. I cannot wait for this tour de force of prose-poetry. BULL TRUE.

[Photos: InstarImages.com, Rex/Shutterstock]
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