Go Fug Yourself

I Just… Maybe a Great Coat Can Slow Down Our Pulses?

It distresses me beyond words that it’s usual now for us to start our business day after something traumatic has happened in the United States, and that it is usual now for us to clarify that we are not ignoring the situation but rather still trying — however vain the exertions may be — to give people something else to read when their brains and eyes and hearts and souls need a break. But here we are, again, and again we hope we can help today. If by nothing else than giving you a cute coat to ogle, and today’s comes courtesy of Sutton Foster, who was shooting Younger yesterday in New York (and I’m sure found it as challenging as any of us to get work done). There’s almost no way Liza would wear panty-hose, but I’m sure it’ll be hard to detect them in the episode itself. But this coat is adorable and I was pleased to see it when I needed visions of SOMETHING ELSE dancing in my head.

I also enjoy that Debi Mazar looks in this shot like she’s the detective in an episode of Law & Order: Art Theft. She is giving me real CHUNG-CHUNG energy. And I say “art theft” because…

… they appear to be stealing something (this would of course negate Debi’s adherence to Law, and also Order), and it was from a space that had her character’s name on it and what sounded like the title of an exhibit. I don’t know what Younger season this is anymore — I forgot to keep watching after… season 5? — but I hope it DOES turn out that they’ve decided to go hoodwink a few other industries as well as publishing.

Also, this is what it took for me to notice the coat is black in the back. Scrolling back up, I think it looks sort of weird in the other photos, but seeing the patterned belt wrap around the back, I like it a little better. What do you think? OMG, something madly wholesome to discuss. YES.

[Photos: Shutterstock]
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