Go Fug Yourself

Grammy Weekend Fug Carpet: Miley Cyrus

Initially, I saw this and thought, “Hi, Lauren Conrad.”

But no, y’all, it’s just Miley, doing her best beachy-chic impression of Lauren Conrad. Is it strange that a millionaire a bajillion times over, with albums and her own openly fictional show and some movies under her belt, would be aping the look of a girl who — though she seems nice — is chiefly famous for making shitty relationship decisions on-camera and then biting her lip a lot? Yes. But it’s not like L.C. owns that aesthetic, so I’ll stick to what’s weirder here:  I kind of feel like I’m looking at a metallic reproduction of somebody’s tiger-skin rug. So if I were to parse all that nonsense into one thought, I suppose it would be, “Hmm. No.”

I have stronger feelings about what she wore prior to this.

She is, in fact, wearing the mesh bag that the oranges come in at the supermarket. With apologies, I bring you the close-up:

I rescind everything I said about that Grammy dress. It is a marvel AND I WANT IT BACK. Along with my innocence.

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