Go Fug Yourself

Fug the Date VIII: 9/02/10

KELLY: Listen, Brenda, don’t give me that look. I didn’t tell you to wear giant opera gloves with our dress. It’s not MY fault you’re over-accessorized.

BRENDA: Kelly. It’s the ’90s. EVERYONE was over-accessorized. You’re UNDER-ACCESSORIZED.

KELLY: How dare you?

BRENDA; Besides, Kelly, unlike your sad little corsage, my opera gloves achieved their primary goal.

KELLY: And what would that be?

KELLY: YOU’RE ALSO WEARING A JEWELED CLIP IN YOUR HAIR? God, Brenda, did you never heard of the old adage that before you leave the house, you ought to look and yourself in the mirror and take –


KELLY: Fine. You win. FOR NOW.

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