Go Fug Yourself

Fug the Makeover: Jada Pinkett Smith

The haircut bug is going around:

The thing is, Jada has done the full pixie before and it actually looks great, from what I remember. The shaved underbelly with the ponytail she’s working here — or whatever the heck it is — just looks weird for the sake of weird, like she’s the villain in a grungy post-apocalyptic movie that mixes elements of Fast and the Furious, Max Max, and Bring It On. I would watch that movie, but I don’t know if I think anyone should live it.

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  • It's awesome (7%, 377 Votes)
  • It's awful (72%, 3,825 Votes)
  • It's fine -- I could take it or leave it. (20%, 1,078 Votes)

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