Go Fug Yourself

Fug or Fab: Taylor Schilling

From a distance, I thought this was Diane Kruger. That’s a compliment:

I kind of feel for Taylor Schilling. Almost everyone who’s reviewed The Lucky One has noted that she looks WAY old for Zefron — as, in fact, have we — when she’s only 27. Or, I guess it’s possible she’s “27” in the way that I am “27” which means, ONLY IF I’M LYING.  I think it’s possible she’s shaved a couple of years in order to feel more marketable as an actress (which sucks; the only place it’s harder to age as a woman than Hollywood is if you’re online dating), but my theory is that she just has some kind of ineffable quality that makes her SEEM older than she is. That’s not a bad thing — but it does get awkward when you’ve been paired with an actor who is trying to play more mature than he seems. You’re both trying to meet in the middle, and that generally doesn’t work.  But I kind of dig her. And I actually kind of dig this, too.

Am I off my rocker?

  • YES. This sucks, (14%, 1,045 Votes)
  • Probably. This is mediocre. (24%, 1,723 Votes)
  • No! I mean, not on this count anyway. I like it! (62%, 4,469 Votes)

Total Voters: 7,238

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