Go Fug Yourself

Fug or Fab: Nina Dobrev

I have noticed, in the last several months, that Nina Dobrev almost always stands at an angle when posing for photographs.

I am sure someone told her once something terrible like, “standing like that makes your [body part] look better” — note, all her body parts look fine all the time regardless of stance — and she just internalized it, or something. Much as is my theory about why Ginnifer Goodwin doesn’t smile on the red carpet. You are both fine JUST AS YOU ARE, ladies. (Even if I don’t always like what you’re wearing.) (Also, holy cow, Dobrev was amazing on last night’s Vampire Diaries.)

Speaking of what she’s wearing:

What do you think?

  • I love this. So retro! She's the best. A! (8%, 494 Votes)
  • I love this, mostly. I have some small tweaks, but overall: a strong B+ (20%, 1,317 Votes)
  • I mean. It's not the worst thing I ever saw. But I might have gone for something else. Passing at best. (46%, 3,001 Votes)
  • NOOOOOOOOO. I can't even talk about it. (26%, 1,677 Votes)

Total Voters: 6,489

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[Photo: Getty]

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