Have I gone totally wackbats crazy, or does Lena sort of look like (a young) Carrie Fisher in the face here? (This is a compliment; Carrie Fisher is, of course, a goddess.)  Regardless, her makeup is good. But let’s talk about the dress:

It’s WEIRD and also cheerful, and I am pretty sure it’s the formal cousin to a caftan and I actually really kind of like it? It seems like something you could wear while drinking cocktails with giant flowers frozen inside their ice cubes on a lanai in Miami, without also being something that you might accidentally see in The Golden Girls (no disrespect to Blanche Devereaux), nor being something obnoxiously sported by an irritating starlet at Art Basel. That’s a hard line to walk.

Is she pulling it off?

  • YES! I really like this for her. (49%, 2,537 Votes)
  • ALMOST. But honestly, this dress is weird. Hardly anyone could pull it off. (29%, 1,507 Votes)
  • MAYBE? I don't know. Don't ask me. Leave me alone. (9%, 441 Votes)
  • No way, no day. (13%, 681 Votes)

Total Voters: 5,166

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[Photo: Getty]

Tags: Lena Dunham