Go Fug Yourself

Fug or Fab: Keri Russell

I am of warring minds about this.

Objectively, she looks good in this, but the blousy, filmy sleeves give it the feeling of The Widow Russell, inching her shoulders into play at her last event before the period of mourning is officially complete. If you cut off that part and just make it a halter, it might be too bare and saucy for the occasion, but WITH them it doesn’t feel as interesting nor modern as I believe she can be. In the end, I suppose that averages out to, “Not the worst, but I wish we had a do-over,” but I’m a jerk so I’m going to make you be decisive where I could not.

Call it:

  • Gorgeous (73%, 3,514 Votes)
  • Blah (27%, 1,279 Votes)

Total Voters: 4,793

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