Go Fug Yourself

Fug or Fab: Katie Holmes

Either Katie Holmes grew out this hair while she was plotting her escape from Cruiselandia and I just didn’t notice, or she’s added some extensions.

Either way, it looks nice and healthy, but I’m wondering if perhaps she’s not used to it all because every photo I found of her looked like this:

By the end of the night she is going to need a neck brace.

But what of the dress? The purple fingers groping her chest aren’t really giving her much shape. It’s ridiculous that we can see her navel — always a formal no-no, and indeed, often a casual no-no as well — and overall it might be trying too hard to make velvet hip. I don’t think that’s ever going to happen for anyone over eight years of age. Yet it FITS, it’s not Holmes & Yang (which may explain the aforementioned fit), and despite its velvety velvetness I am not as mad at it as I thought I would be. Who knew?

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[Photo: Getty]

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