Go Fug Yourself

Fug or Fab: Jessica Chastain

Well, we’ve got the color and some great makeup working in her favor.

But I really hate the random hip ruffle, like she bumped up against something. I’m also not sure if she passed the shoe test or not. Basically, from the neck down, I am trying — much like that bodice — to be supportive, but I’m not sure how sincerely I can do it without getting all zero dark blurty with her about how she is always SO CLOSE, SO VERY CLOSE, and yet never with the cigar, and I know cigars cause cancer and everything but JUST TAKE IT. PLEASE TAKE THE DAMN CIGAR. IF FOR NO OTHER REASON THAN TO THWART THE HACKNEYED SAYING.

In other words, maybe I am too exacting with her, or maybe I just want her to be fabulous more than her stylist does.

Please settle this:

  • You're being too hard on her. It's a gorgeous look! (26%, 1,711 Votes)
  • I am with you -- with this raw material, it should be better. Always. (57%, 3,822 Votes)
  • You are not being hard ENOUGH on her. NO NO NO. (17%, 1,155 Votes)

Total Voters: 6,688

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[Photos: Getty]

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