Go Fug Yourself

Fug or Fab: Jennifer Lawrence

I love Jennifer Lawrence, and I am looking forward to this movie, and I am also looking forward to her going back to being blonde-ish, because her Katniss hair is so harsh-looking to me. I mean, sure, Katniss has A LOT of problems and her lack of highlights are the least of them, but… you feel me, Fug Nation.

But how do we feel about this?

I like it in theory, but in practice I think she looks like a really stern cocktail waitress.

What do you think?

  • She looks fantastic. (23%, 2,253 Votes)
  • She looks okay. I guess. (29%, 2,782 Votes)
  • This is not her best. (48%, 4,580 Votes)

Total Voters: 9,616

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