Go Fug Yourself

Fug or Fab: Jennifer Lawrence

Well, Katniss Everdeen’s job in public appearances was to make herself memorable. Jennifer Lawrence obviously took that advice to heart. This is one of those dresses about which my opinion will probably change three times today alone, before sliding somewhere else entirely a year from now. The front might be good! The back might not! It’s tight! It’s metallic! It has cutouts! It is a gleaming exclamation mark.

Punctuate this:

  • I love it! (43%, 5,619 Votes)
  • I love it? (20%, 2,627 Votes)
  • I... like it (25%, 3,296 Votes)
  • I HATE IT!!!!!111! (11%, 1,386 Votes)

Total Voters: 12,930

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[Photos: Getty]

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