Go Fug Yourself

Fug or Fab: Jennifer Aniston

I have been staring at this for like an hour and these are the thoughts that are chasing each other through my head: “Is she knocked up? Maybe it’s the dress? Maybe she WANTS US to think she’s knocked up. Maybe she is happy and is eating a lot of Relationship Sandwiches. Maybe she is eating Relationship Sandwiches AND is knocked up.”

The status of her Knocked Upedness being known, honestly, only to Jen, her doctor, and presumably Justin Theroux, I gotta say that while I think the cleavage is a little much — boobs OR legs! Everyone knows that’s the rule (other than Boobs Legsly, obviously) — the dress itself is kind of fun. Hey, at least it’s got us talking.

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  • Love it. (26%, 3,787 Votes)
  • Hate it. (32%, 4,774 Votes)
  • PREGNANT. (42%, 6,210 Votes)

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