Go Fug Yourself

Fug or Fab: Gina Rodriguez at the People’s Choice Awards

Unless all the photos of it are ABSURDLY late in arriving, Gina Rodriguez of Jane the Virgin did not walk the red carpet last night. Which is INSANE to me. If any awards show is JUST about publicity, it’s this one. If you’re Amy Adams, sure, whatever — you’re there to present to Ben Affleck, you’ve been nominated for a hundred awards in your life and aren’t up for any tonight, you don’t need the press. But Gina Rodriguez is on an imperiled — if beloved — CW show and both she and it could use the exposure, AND presumably (as I suspect is true of all the winners at this one) she already knew she and her show were both winning. HUSTLE IT, GIRL. Hustling IS required. At this point in your career it’s still an almost bigger part of your job than actually being on set.

Also, what a waste of your great, great head:

It also might be a waste of the gown. Presumably one compelling reason to wear a dress that looks like you threw a celebratory fistful of confetti over your own head is that you’re doing a VICTORY LAP, baby, and so DO IT RIGHT.  My first reaction was that the sprinklings look a little bummed out, like the morning AFTER a party than the life of it, but just now I decided I might be wrong. Maybe it’s how happy she looks, or the fact that I’m writing this while watching the Amy Adams episode of SNL and the “Serial” parody on it was so perfect I want to spread it onto some toast. A good parody can be such a mood-lifter. Regardless, I’m starting to feel affectionately toward this outfit and so I’m calling in some reinforcements.

Give it to me straight:

  • It's a party! (64%, 1,619 Votes)
  • It's a hangover (36%, 925 Votes)

Total Voters: 2,544

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[Photo: Getty]

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