Go Fug Yourself

Fug or Fab: Felicity Jones

The thing I love about Felicity Jones, so far, is that she prompted one of you to note, the last time we featured her, that you “hate her face,” which is something that Heather and I often say privately to each other about people — NOT YOU, we love you — and it always makes me laugh, because in general the face in question is a lovely one and the thing we hate about it has nothing to do with how it actually looks. OR DOES IT? It doesn’t. I mean, her face is totally a good face:

BUT! We aren’t here to talk about faces but rather about dresses.

So, what do you think?

  • I love it. (39%, 3,327 Votes)
  • I love it AS THE WALLPAPER THAT IT IS. (19%, 1,599 Votes)
  • I hate it, full stop. (25%, 2,103 Votes)
  • I hate nothing, other than the FACES OF MY ENEMIES. But this leaves me cold. (17%, 1,424 Votes)

Total Voters: 8,454

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