Go Fug Yourself

Fug or Fab: Emmy Rossum

Well, her hair and makeup have improved since last time, although something about the lipstick here gives me the quick-take impression that she just ate a peach or something and it’s smeared all over her mouth.

And I love almost all of the dress,  but can’t escape the notion that I wish it ended as it began instead of defaulting to a plain fringe curtain. It’s not the dress’s fault that the world is a place where these terms exist, but nonetheless: You never want to be the outfit that makes the words “golden shower” come to mind.

Give it the treatment:

  • I shamelessly love it (34%, 1,968 Votes)
  • I shamelessly wish I could change the ending (43%, 2,517 Votes)
  • I shamelessly don't like any of it (23%, 1,348 Votes)

Total Voters: 5,833

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