Go Fug Yourself

Fug or Fab: Emma Watson

I love Emma Watson here. And I really want to see The Perks of Being a Wallflower, since the reviews have been great and I love everyone in it, more or less. Plus, it’s set in the 90s and will therefore make me nostalgic for a time in my life when I didn’t think about things like eye cream. All of this is kind of a roundabout way of saying that if someone I didn’t like, who was appearing in a movie that seemed terrible, showed up somewhere sporting this outfit, I would be giving her a hella hard time about it, but we’re ALL HUMAN OKAY? GOD.

Anyway, what do you think? Is she pulling it off? I honestly don’t really think that she is. I just can’t fully admit it to myself.

Do the heavy lifting here:

  • She is pulling it off. (50%, 4,624 Votes)
  • SHE IS NOT. (50%, 4,694 Votes)

Total Voters: 9,319

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