Go Fug Yourself

Fug or Fab: Charlize Theron

So, of course, at first I was like, “FUGGERY AHOY.”

And I still kind of hate the hair. And the white strings hanging from the shirt aren’t really working for me. But the longer I stared at the rest of it, the more I got on board. Classic case of, if Anne Hathaway had been wearing this, I’m sure I’d feel differently (and probably accidentally write a whole post about how I’m concerned getting engaged to this new dude is not the greatest idea given the Blind Items people suspect might be about her, ALLEGEDLY, etc.). But on Charlize, it works, because of her Charlizeness. She has that relaxed chicness to her, innately, that means you can drape anything on her that’s slouchy and maybe not even that special, and she will elevate it to the point that she starts a conversation. Maybe it doesn’t totally work. Maybe it magically does. But you’ll definitely look at it. And you’ll think about it. And you’ll get confused. And you’ll make decisions about your feelings and then back off of them five minutes later, and caffeine won’t help, and neither will leftover pie, nor How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days on HBO, and then suddenly you’re just thinking about whether Kate Hudson should still be a thing, and so you give up and throw in a poll.

And here is that poll:

  • I love this (9%, 786 Votes)
  • I love this... on her. (60%, 5,183 Votes)
  • I loathe this. (31%, 2,730 Votes)

Total Voters: 8,700

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[Photo: Getty]

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