Go Fug Yourself

Fug or Fab: Cate Blanchett

I worry that Cate Blanchett is trying some kind of funky ocular hypnosis on me. YOU WILL LIKE THIS. YOU WILL LIKE THIS. YOU WILL START DRINKING DIET PEPSI AND REJECT PEANUT BUTTER AS SATAN’S DIAPER CREAM. While I am confident someone as groovy as Cate Blanchett would NEVER try and convince me of the latter two evils, I also know that would never work on me. But can she sway me on the gown?

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  • I DO like it. BUT WHY? (29%, 1,471 Votes)
  • I like it and I know EXACTLY why. (12%, 591 Votes)
  • I do NOT like it. THWARTED! (60%, 3,041 Votes)

Total Voters: 5,103

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