Go Fug Yourself

Fug or Fab: Amber Heard

I love this picture:

Does anything truly bring home to you the delicious tanned quality of Michael Kors like this picture? He’s as burnished and delectable as a piece of sourdough toast (my personal favorite).  Although I am personally as pale as milk, every time I see him bounding down the runway cheerfully waving at people, I think to myself, “I should probably buy some self tanner. Put it on the list after CASHMERE SWEATERS and MORE CASHMERE SWEATERS.”

But what of her dress? I’m torn between loving it and wondering if it’s washing her out and the belt feels a little questionable?

I love the back, although there’s also something about it that feels a little Ace-Bandage-y. And I do enjoy how the whole look is so Summer In the Hamptons Upper East Side Wholesome Martini Time, which is not as much of a contradiction-in-terms as you might think. And now that I’ve mentioned martinis, toast, and milk in one post, I suspect it’s time for Mommy’s breakfast.


  • Which I just accidentally spelled "DEMOCRAZY," which is apt, because THIS DRESS CRAZY. Crazy bad. (22%, 1,779 Votes)
  • No! I LOVE it. (39%, 3,106 Votes)
  • Eh. (39%, 3,140 Votes)

Total Voters: 8,025

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