Go Fug Yourself

Fug or Fab: Abbie Cornish

This reminds me, in heavily toned-down form, of Zoe Saldana’s Oscars dress from 2010.

It’s not as much of a float at the Loofah Parade as Zoe’s was, but it’s definitely enough to be, like, the girl ON the parade float who is smiling while rubbing a giant mesh sponge up and down her arm and rejoicing in her smooth skin. But I like the ombre and the purple, and it fits, and nothing’s popping out or being shoved where it shouldn’t be. That’s got to be something, right?

Or is it?

  • It is something. And I like it. (35%, 3,597 Votes)
  • It is not something. And I hate it. (27%, 2,708 Votes)
  • It is half of something, and I am halfway to liking this. (38%, 3,835 Votes)

Total Voters: 10,140

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