Go Fug Yourself

Fug Day

I suppose it’s not that this is fugly, exactly.

It’s masquerading as an inoffensive, plain shift with a potentially interesting neckline, but the longer you look at it, the more you realize it’s a monument to the dwarfs Snow White forgot: Droopy, Stumpy, Dumpy, Shapeless, and Drab. (There are only five leftovers. They come by the dozen. Like eggs, but with beards and hats.) Come on, Anne. You’re getting married. Sass it up and get FLAUNTY. Or Flaunty, as in, Flaunty, Sassy, Sparkly, Sunny, Sexy, Funky, and Bangin’, who are a whole other dwarf posse that hangs out with the Evil Queen, who we know is the real hero of that piece anyway. I mean, her mirror mouths off at her! I’d be cranky too.

[Photo: Getty]

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