Go Fug Yourself

Fug Brother

Every week, I clutch my imaginary pearls at what Julie Chen is wearing on Big Brother, and every week, I accidentally delete the episode before I can get a picture. EXCEPT FOR THIS WEEK. Maybe it’s because she’s married to the older Les Moonves, but for a 41-year old woman, Julie seems to want to dress as if she’s at least 58 — from hair to makeup to really odd and unflattering outfits, it’s like she’s stuck in a Talbot’s mailer — or in this case, some page of the Land’s End catalog where the woman is about to throw a tennis racket over her shoulder and go sit at lunch and giggle about denture creme with her doubles partner. It’s just… off, like milk left on the counter overnight. And that’s strange for a woman who’s only just gone forty and is on the summer’s top-rated show, on a network her husband owns, raking in a ton of dough. What is she DOING with all of it, if not buying herself the best stylist and a Demi-caliber cocktail frock for every week? Maybe Chenbot is stuffing it under the mattress. Maybe she knows something about CBS’s development slate that we don’t. In the meantime, let’s examine this, and the crown of hair perched atop it. Two words: whoa. Drop by the last slide for what it reminds me of most…

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