These two are in a movie together called Miss You Already about best friends who have to navigate one of their deaths (not a spoiler; apparently the title’s meaning is revealed right away). I believe the intent is to make it Beaches 2.0.

It looks MORE like a movie about a buttoned-up corporate type who goes on a retreat in Ojai and finds love and peyote with a young local who makes a LOT of revelatory teas, plays in a local harp circle, and weaves her feelings. It’s the kind of movie where Toni would be expected to realize she has to give up her wardrobe for a simpler life, but in my hands, she would keep the clothes because there is NO reason to give up a groovy dress. Not even if your partner thinks it’s hurting her aura. (For the record: The compliment here is that I think Toni looks fabulous and Drew looks… like Drew, if she ran a Joni Mitchell cover band called Paradise Paved.)

[Photo: Getty]