Go Fug Yourself

Freaky Fug Friday: The Results

This week’s entries were great! Behold the winners of Bobbie Thomas’s great new book, The Power of Style:

THE TASK:  Please write The Benediction Of Johnny Depp, AKA the blessing he’s giving his fans in this picture.


Tim Burton, who art in London,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy creative visions come,
Thy directorial will be done.
In Wonderland as it is in Collinwood.
Give us this day our Scissorhands,
And lead us not into Gene Wilder’s Chocolate Factory.
But deliver us from pirate movies.
For thine is the craziness, and the eccentricity that makes an Indian wear an entire stuffed crow on his head,
And the awesomely wacky wife, forever and ever. Amen

Give me your faded, your torn,
your disheveled masses yearning to wear scarves,
The layered refuse of your laundry bin,
Send these, the shapeless, wrinkled clothes to me.

With, you know, all apologies to Emma Lazarus.
Karen G:
Blessed be the funky,
Cause these clothes be smellin’ skunky.
Blessed be the befedora’d,
And all the other hats I’ve adored.
Blessed be the torn & stained
Shirts & jeans that I have maimed.

In the name of the Moss and the Paradis
And the Wino Forever,


Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of junkets, I will fear no evil: for my accessories are with me; my fedora and my necklaces and my bandanas and my glasses, they comfort me. I wear them all the days of my life.

May your fedora rise to meet you.
May the scarf be ever in your pocket.
May your chains reflect warmth upon your face
and eyeliner and man-scara fall dark around your eyes.
Until we meet again
May faux-filth keep you in the grime of its grasp.

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