Go Fug Yourself

Emmys Unfug or Fab: Lena Dunham

This is a decent example of how far a smile can get you.

This was the first photo I saw of this, and I was like, “Oh, Girls, NO.” She’s all Michael Stipe with her eye makeup, and the dress seems overwhelming and makes her head looks tiny, and basically I just feel like it turns her into the Titanic of ottomans.

And then I saw a picture of her when she herself seemed more cheery:

And then I thought, “Aw, she looks happy, maybe it’s not THAT bad.” The smile really does wonders, and perhaps so does this angle. Something about Lena looks like she just kinda stood there and let someone plop a dress on her, though, and I’d like to see her truly own one instead. She is not particularly owning this. What is it, Fug Nation? Does it need to be cocktail-length? Does it need a differently shaped bodice so she could hoist up the girls? Did she need to go crazy with her hair and spike it up, or something, so that it had a little volume to combat the size of the skirt?

Or does it maybe need more going on, so that it’s an ACTUAL pattern and not a random sprinkling of roses that’s evocative of that last scene in Ice Castles where everyone is throwing the flowers on the ice and she can’t SEE IT because she’s BLIND but they don’t KNOW she’s blind and then they find OUT she’s blind and then Robby Benson is there and it’s a VICTORY FOR THE HUMAN SPIRIT which is the reason that when I was a kid I thought being Secret Blind would be romantic and fun? Y’all, I love a victory for the human spirit, but it doesn’t usually work in dress form.

Give me your fug or your fab:

  • Fug (63%, 4,595 Votes)
  • Fab (13%, 940 Votes)
  • It needs work, but I have the answers right here in the comments (24%, 1,776 Votes)

Total Voters: 7,311

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[Photos: Getty]

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