Go Fug Yourself

Critics’ Choice Awards Fug or Fab: Naomi Watts

If we haven’t seen this exact dress before, then we’ve certainly seen its component parts.

However, after two kids and forty-four years on this Earth, I am deeply impressed and envious that her boobs look that terrific. If it’s genetics, then she won the lottery even more than I had realized; if it’s sorcery, then sign me up for witchcraft classes. Their impresssive anti-gravity qualities and her awesome face and hair are saving what might otherwise be a forgettable enterprise.

Or is it?

  • It's unforgettably gorgeous (21%, 1,151 Votes)
  • SHE is unforgettably gorgeous and it's saving the dress from doom (75%, 4,172 Votes)
  • It's unforgettably hideous (4%, 209 Votes)

Total Voters: 5,532

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[Photo: Getty]

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