Go Fug Yourself

CMA Fug or Fab: Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban

KEITH URBAN: Can you believe we’re still married?

NICOLE KIDMAN: Can you believe you’re so TAN?

KEITH: What?

NICOLE: Look at your HANDS compared to your FACE! SO MUCH BRONZER, KEITH!

KEITH: Nicole. I am trying to discuss our precious love.

NICOLE; Oh, right. I’m glad we’re still married, too. We’re actually weirdly sort of adorable together.

KEITH: It’s because we’re sort of random as a couple.

NICOLE: I know. Look at the bronzer issue for one –

KEITH: I GET IT. Can we get a better look at your dress?

NICOLE: What do you think?

KEITH: A bit bridal, maybe, in that Mature Bride’s Third Marriage kind of way.

NICOLE: Ahem. My third marriage CAN be arranged.


NICOLE: Thank you!

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