Go Fug Yourself

Chloe Sevigny Looks Disarmingly Sensible

What is even happening? Usually at this time of year, someone who’s just been nominated for Fug Madness pops up in something TRULY GHASTLY and we frantically remind people that it is not eligible until the following year (see: Halsey and The Yellow Boob Belt, which is FINALLY IN CONTENTION AT LONG LAST, and also sounds like the title of a very warped children’s book). By contrast, Chloe here has turned up in a totally sane and cute black dress with good shoes. The fug-lover in me hopes this is her outfit sorbet, cleansing our palate before she scorches it with something stronger. But as a human person, I can appreciate that she looks refreshingly regular and work-party-cute, in a way that she rarely does. Now, that coat she’s holding has definite kook potential — it’s like a psychedelic Gucci purse with sleeves — and I honestly wish she’d put it on here. It MIGHT also have elevated this from, “Oh, that’s rather fine,” to, “Am I SUPPOSED to love this as much as I do?” But it also might’ve turned out to be day-glo nutrageous, and real talk, on a deep level I am almost always okay with that outcome too.

[Photo: InstarImages.com]
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