Go Fug Yourself

Anya Taylor-Joy (Slightly) Improves a Maligned Gucci

This dress is a clear cousin to Dakota Johnson’s heinous yellowed Oscars sack (not to be confused with actual yellow; it looked musty, and mustier by the minute). But in that crew, it is at least the FUN cousin. It’s the one you look forward to at family reunions because she has all the really good gossip about every branch of the family tree, and knows her way around a cocktail shaker. Is it perfect? No. But it’s livelier as a patterned mini, for sure, even if the bow in front still does look like it’s secretly some kind of gestational pouch. I understand being drawn to looking like exotic plant life a bit more than like a Miss Havisham superfan.

Anya was at the event promoting Thoroughbred with Olivia Cooke, whom we recently saw on the poster for The Limehouse Golem in that roundup:

Anya’s face is all, “We’re clear on the fact that I’m winning this, right? And that moths ate the rest of her mother’s Prom dress so she supplemented with a tarp? Yes. We’re clear. We hold that truth to be self-evident.”

[Photos: James Shaw/REX/Shutterstock]
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