Go Fug Yourself

Anna Kendrick Is Wearing More Skirts

“You put your left skirt in, you take your left skirt out, you put your left skirt in, and you shake it all about. You do the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around hope that when you turn back you’re transported to a time and place when you’re no longer wearing this garment; that’s what it’s all about. Woo!”

The thing is, that fabric is quite something. It could’ve made a fascinating garment that DIDN’T look like she genetically merged with an exotic winged insect.

I wish some of it had been used to line this skirt:

Cute dress, but it would’ve been so much better if it didn’t stop so short. I get that the effect is ombre — dark in the middle, light to the edges — but it gains little from losing its lining so soon. Just a little see-through edging at the hem would’ve done it. Obviously, as we’ve all lamented, sheers really aren’t going away so I’m going to have to find ways to accept them conditionally, but when there’s something that has a workable solution without them and indeed they actually DISTRACT from the overall picture… that’s where it loses me. I can solve a puzzle room in the allotted time but this little game escapes me.

[Photos: InstarImages.com]
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