Go Fug Yourself

A Beautiful Fug

I feel like this is one of those outfits that you can only really get away with if the rest of you is SO GOOOOD-LOOKING that your hotness distracts from the fact that, for example, your dress has what appears to be an unfastened, built-in chastity belt:

Like, just looking at this is making me exhausted. It’s Friday, you know? I just can’t even DEAL. I mean, I get it, Connelly. You’re edgy. You’re complex. And I don’t understand your aesthetic, seeing as at this event it seems to involve light bondage gear, linoleum, and a tablecloth — three tastes that REALLY only taste great in VERY SPECIFIC INSTANCES. So I’m just going to concentrate on your pretty face and pretend that none of this ever happened.

That way, I also won’t have to wonder why you looked like this ten minutes later:

Like, was that white bit actually the bib from a VERY avant-garde dentist, and you only remembered that you forgot to remove it after people started snapping your pics? Because if so, darling, you should have just played along.

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