There’s something very Vogue about this: pretty girl, flowing nature-patterned dress, giant field, casually off-kilter hair.

Or maybe there’s just something Top Model about this. Although, no. Because if that were true, it would never just be a girl standing in a field; it’d be a girl standing in a field atop a steaming divot, told she has to simultaneously portray photosynthesis and a profound depression about the cost of a tank of gas. So let’s go back to Vogue. Or Elle. Or American Garden Party Monthly. Can’t argue with how aptly she is dressed for the occasion — the only thing I would have loved more is if someone had shown up in the EXACT outfit Julia Roberts wore to watch polo in Pretty Woman — but it also seems aggressive, like it’s choking her, or Zoe’s head has been clumsily reattached. But really, what’s a little recapitation between friends?

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  • Depressed (7%, 780 Votes)
  • Lukewarm (34%, 3,950 Votes)
  • Like I need to invest in boob tape (11%, 1,304 Votes)

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