Oooh, this royal tour is going to be so fun. Both kids, and the added frisson of Justin Trudeau and his dreamy head and easy way with children. Already, the pics are cute and they only just got here. There. Whatever, I’m just happy we’re all operating in my time zone for this one. Let’s settle in and enjoy the many many pictures of George that I downloaded. What? He’s very expressive. (Note: as ever, I’m sure more pics will trickle in after I publish this; if I miss anything super good, I’ll plonk it in the post last, or in tomorrow’s coverage!)

Don’t you want to see some video? I know you do:

I like this one because it’s a glimpse of what it would look like if the four of them were ever forced to stand around and wait for the valet:

And, finally: This was QUITE a large and enthusiastic greeting, Canada. You guys are friendly! I know that we had at least one Fug National in the crowd. We can’t wait to hear your Reports From the Field!

[Photos: Chris Jackson/Getty Images, Karwai Tang/WireImage]